The Preschool Extended Care Program (PECP) is an extra service of Our Lady of the Valley School to meet the needs of our parents. It is held in the preschool rooms and is open to all OLV preschool students. The program is totally self supporting and operating funds are acquired solely from income generated by the program. Children enjoy a safe, nurturing environment, and have time for outdoor and indoor recreation and a nap each afternoon.
Preschool Extended Care Registration Form
Time & Place
- PECP begins at 1:00 pm Monday - Friday.
- Any child on school property, either for extended care or who is waiting for parents, will be placed in the program at after carpool has completed.
- PECP in the afternoon is held in the Preschool classrooms where the children will be checked in by a PECP worker.
- PECP morning care is held in the main school building in the extended care room.
Fees & Options
Preschool Extended Care 1pm-3pm | $ 8/day |
Preschool After School Care (3pm-5:45pm) | $12/day |
Preschool Morning Care (7am-7:40am) | $ 5/day |
Parents are responsible for payment of all PECP fees.
- Monthly charges will be added to your FACTS account the next month and payment will be pulled on the 15th of each month (ex. August PECP charges will be added to your FACTS account in September).
- Parents who are late picking up their child(ren) from Preschool Extended Care Program will be charged a daily rate for Preschool After School Care and the child will be checked into After School Care Program (3pm - 5:45pm MON - THURS & 2pm-5:45pm FRIDAY). Other late charges may be applied to your PECP fees.
- Outstanding balances will be subject to a service charge of $5.00 per week for each week overdue.
- Failure to pay all PECP fees will be subject in losing PECP privileges.