The Middle School program challenges students to achieve their God-given potential, to demonstrate the Gospel values of Jesus Christ, and to be people of faith, integrity, and responsibility. Graduates of OLV are equipped with knowledge and skills to transition with ease into high school, strong values, and a deep understanding of their faith and their responsibility to use that faith in a world that needs them to make a positive difference.
Students thrive in an atmosphere with high academic standards and engaging instruction. The curriculum is complemented by research-based teaching methods that actively involve students in the learning process to foster enduring understandings and continue to instill a love for learning. The middle school curriculum includes religion and core academic subjects as well as classes in Spanish, art, technology, library science, physical education, performing arts (drama, debate, and music), counseling, and exploratory classes. In the core academic subjects, advanced math and science are offered. Field trips and activities enhance the learning experience. Teaching methods such as the use of project based and problem based assignments in all grades help students of different ability levels work collaboratively to learn and explore. In addition, at all grade levels, cross-curricular instruction unites all disciplines and enables students to see the connection between what they are learning and everyday life.
By providing students with a faith-filled learning environment where they can test their academic, social, and spiritual limits, OLV enables students to stretch their wings and broaden their horizons. OLV imparts not only an appreciation of learning but also a faith that serves as a beacon guiding them throughout their lives.