Make your everyday shopping trips count. When you shop you can help OLV earn contributions from the stores you shop. You’re purchasing things you would normally buy. Merchants who participate in these programs are committed to helping our school by contributing a percentage of the purchase to OLV. There’s no extra cost to you. Here are great ways to shop and support OLV!
Click here for a list of SCRIP Gift Cards - When you purchase SCRIP from OLV, you’re purchasing gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash at hundreds of retail and on-line merchants throughout the country.
Join Publix Partners! Over the years, Publix Partners has contributed more than $30 million to over 4,500 schools giving back to support education. And giving is easy. Simply sign up for a account (if you don’t already have one), select OLV School, then enter your phone number at checkout. We'll give back to OLV School! Thanks for your support!
Are you a Target shopper? If so, you can make money for OLV as you shop. Sign up for a Target REDcard, link it to OLV and then Target will donate 1% of your REDcard purchases at any Target in the US to OLV. We can even get our extended families and friends to link their REDcard to OLV and they can participate as well. We already have approximately 16 families that are signed up and Target has already given OLV almost $4,000. So, your 1% can make a difference. The individual also saves 5% on their purchases, gets a 30-day extension on returns, and free shipping if they use their REDcard. Please sign up for a REDcard today, link it to OLV and then SHOP AWAY!