Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School

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Tuition & Aid

REGISTRATION FOR 2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR: OLV reenrollment of returning students for the 2025-2026 school year begins January 21, 2025. Registration will be open to new families beginning February 4, 2025. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email either Andy Rothery, arothery@olvsch.com or Danielle Lazenby dlazenby@olvsch.com.


Tuition and Fees
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School strives to provide an excellent education that doesn’t create a financial burden for families. Several payment options are available. As a ministry of Our Lady of the Valley Church, the School is supported in part by the Parish so reduced tuition rates are provided to registered families in good standing with Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church. In addition, children of several neighboring parishes may be eligible for the parishioner tuition rate. See the tuition rates for more information.  To set up a FACTS account please click here.

Tuition & Fees for 2025-2026 (click here)

Tuition & Fees for 2024-2025 (click here)

Financial Assistance 

There are, at this time, four different options of financial assistance with tuition and fees for Our Lady of the Valley School.

1. The Creating Hope and Oppurtunity for Our Stusents' Educationa Act of 2024 (CHOOSE ACT) is a new program administered by the Alabama Department of Revenue (ALDOR). The CHOOSE Act Program makes refundable income tax credits called education savings accounts (ESAs) available to support the success of eligible K-12 students in Alabama. An ESA can be used to pay for tuition, fees, and other qualified education expenses through approved Education Service Providers (ESPs) in Alabama. ALDOR has contracted with ClassWallet for programmatic support and to coordinate the distribution of funds to participating families. CLICK HERE for the Catholic Schools Office information & links to the CHOOSE ACT
Using ClassWallet’s Digital Wallet platform, parents can use their student’s ESA to pay for approved educational purchases and expenses.  Click here for the CHOOSE ACT Parent's Guide

 2.pncnxvxmqwvyfa54pharziemx0l.jpg C2 Opportunity Scholarships was established in 2018 and provides tax credited scholarships to low-income K-12 children within the Diocese of Birmingham to attend the Catholic school of their choice. Families interested in seeking a scholarship through the C2 Opportunity Scholarship program should first check online at CLICK HERE FOR C2 information to verify qualification, then notify the OLV School office of their intent to apply. This is a limited availability, needs-based scholarship offered in the spring semester for the following academic year.

3. Scholarships for Kids, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that serves as a state-approved Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) under the Alabama Accountability Act of 2013. We work directly with qualified, nonpublic schools to offer scholarships and access to better education for children seeking to expand their educational opportunities.Families interested in pursuing Scholarships for Kids should contact the OLV office. Click here for information on Scholarships for Kids. For additional information see the school handbook or contact the school office at 205-991-5963.

4. Our Lady of the Valley Church and School are committed to Catholic education and offer limited tuition assistance when necessary for children to attend the school. Families needing assistance must contact the office and complete grant and aid assessment through FACTS Tuition Management program. Information is kept confidential.