Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School

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Science Olympiad


3rd In State! 

The Our Lady of the Valley School award-winning Science Olympiad team continued its rich tradition of excellence by shining at the State Competition held at Auburn University on Saturday, March 30, coming in 3rd place. OLV teams medaled in 11 of the 23 events they competed in.  Award medals were given for each event for first through fourth places. OLV students placed in the following events:  Boomilever 3rd place; Dynamic Planet 4th place; Elastic Launch Glider 3rd place; Experimental Design 2nd place; Fossils 3rd Place; Meteorology 4th place; Potions and Poisons 2nd place; Roller Coaster 4th Place; Solar System 4th place; Thermodynamics 4th place; Write It Do It 3rd Place. Congratulations to this hard-working group!

Science Olympiad Practice begins September 2018 for all 6th, 7th & 8th graders.  Fourth and 5th graders interested in being on the team should email Coach Stevens astevens@olvsch.com or Coach Steele s5thgradeolv@olvsch.com.


2018 S.O. coaches: Ann Stevens, Lorrie Steele and Gina Hagelskamp

National web site  www.soinc.org Division B events list posted.

If you'd like to volunteer to help with our team or want more information about Science Olympiad contact Ms. Ann Stevens  astevens@olvsch.com
